Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So Long, King Kong!

Oh dear students, I miss you so much! My month without you has been long, boring, and way too quiet!! I thought I'd share some last and final pictures that didn't make it on to the DVD. I hope you enjoy!

Hunter in the suit-case relay! hehe!



Who's under all those clothes??
Oh... it was Jaxon!! lol






Lynde! Love the face!

Our last and final game of Angry Birds!

Building to the music!!! HURRY! :)

The throwers are ready to launch those birds!!

Jaxon and I- last day of school. Photo by Jamie Kramer

Teachers have talent too!! Kung Foo Fighting! :) Thanks Jamie Kramer! 

Our last and final class picture. We are missing Aron and Paige though! Silly faces are our specialty! Photo by Jamie Kramer


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Where has the year gone?!

Hello friends!! It's been busy and hectic around school lately! I haven't forgotten to take pictures of your cuties, I just forget to upload them on to the site! Here you go!!!

Westar Energy came in twice during the month of April just for our class! We learned so much and they even gave us gifts! Fun pens, and pencils that we simply adore! I even got a bag and some kitchen items! Thank you Westar for all that you taught us!!! 

 2 Linemen from Westar came to speak to us. They had a live model which was AWESOME! It provided the kids with a wonderful visual of electrical safety! (Our class was super well-behaved, and the guys were very appreciative of that!)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Angry Birds in the CLASSROOM!

A special thanks to Janette Keil for helping wrap boxes, to all of the parents that saved containers, and boxes for weeks on end, and to all of the parents who let us borrow your stuffed Angry Birds! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have had a fun-filled Friday of letting the birds fly!! Please enjoy this video of FUN! It was a great way to practice 3D shapes, counting, and.....AIMING! haha ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

100th Day of First Grade

I can't believe we celebrated the 100th day of school already [Jan. 31st].. and actually, we're going on 107!!

Before enjoying our wonderful portraits we did when we turn 100... please read some of my favorite stories/quotes.

Teaching time to the quarter hour... and explaining why we use the word quarter. I tried to have them visualize a clock like a pizza, and having to share it with 3 other friends. We have the pizza drawn, and one piece gets eaten.
*Ms. Searles- "What do you call that piece that got eaten?" [hoping for an answer of one quarter, or even one fourth]*Student- "A goner?!"
Completely my fault for not wording the question appropriately! The student was definitely right! That slice was a goner! ;)

Starting to segment words (counting the sounds you hear in each word). I told the students I would give a sound an animal makes. I need a student to tell me which animal makes that sound, and then we would segment that animal name.
*Ms. Searles- "Which animal says "BOW WOW"?
*Student- "A CHICK-A-WAH-WAH!!!"
*Ms. Searles- "Huh??..... Oh!!! You mean, a Chihuahua?"
*Student- "Yeah!!"
We ALL giggle.... "Ok, you're right, can we just call it a dog??"
Hehehe :)

I am eating my snack for the day.... goldfish to be exact. Instead of dumping them all out on my germ infested desk, I decide to eat them right out of the giant box. A student comes up to me to ask a question, stops in mid sentence when he realizes what I'm doing, and says "What are you doing?? You look like a PIG!"
LOL- you can count on a 7 year old to be completely honest!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jivin' in January!

Wow! January has come and gone, and we JUST celebrated 100 days of school TODAY! I can't believe it! I have fallen in love with teaching first grade, and your kids had a lot to do with it! They've made my job enjoyable, and easy! We've been so hard at work, that I've spoiled them with a couple extra recesses... it's not too often that it's 70 degrees in January... especially in good ol' Kansas! ;) Please enjoy some of the work we've been doing lately!

Check out the shark and fish drawing at the bottom! It was drawn free handed...!!! His classmates all loved it, and highly recommended that I take a picture! We care about others in our room!<3

Our marshmallow snowmen. We were pretty proud of them!!!

Take #2 lol

And again.. take #2!! There are no take 3s! :)

She was "hugging her snowman".... :)

Please enjoy the videos!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The end of 2011

Please enjoy these adorable pictures of my 18 favorite little friends!

Just showing off our Thankful Thanksgiving Trees! They turned out GOOD!

Just a few branches flyin' off! :)

Jaxon's adorable Angry Bird birthday cupcakes. We didn't get to celebrate with him here, but we sure did miss him!

Just some fun, different ways to practice spelling!

 A few unique turkey disguises that were displayed throughout the month of November. This was done after reading Turkey Trouble.

Just some Christmas fun!

Checking out those measuring tapes....

Looking a little dangerous! Hehe =)

We sure LOVE reading in this corner. Usually there are about 6 kids crammed in! LOL

Just working on a social studies project!

We came up with a HUGE list of different types of transportation!

Christmas Program & Misc.
Just hangin out at the high school, waiting our turn to go on stage!!

We look good and we know it!!!

Look at those smiles!!

So cute!

My entire class was PRESENT &&& ON TIME! Wowzers! Good job parents! You rock!!!! The kids were rewarded for it the next day! :)

Early Christmas presents ready to be wrapped!

The Mitten Tree for the school. The bottom did get filled up more throughout the rest of the week!